Sunday 19 April 2015

it's a bit sudden

yeah i literally just made this blog like 10 minutes ago and since it's midnight, i'm probably going to sleep pretty late which i will regret tomorrow. i decided to do these things again as i find it very comforting, for some reason unexplained but will be, sooner or later. it may seem like i am just shouting into a void in the internet, wasting my time while wearing a honey facial mask, but of course blogging is some sort of a journal it would seem. why am i doing this again? i assure you it is definitely not about going to brag about how awesome my life is because let's face it, it is a WRECK. so let's not do that. you see, i live in a small ass town where nothing happens. it's so goddamn boring i wanted to die. also, i hate this town but you know, no offence. and i guess my views are much different from the people i have to face everyday so them tolerating me and vice versa? it's well,

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